Urgently Demand one: plastic particles
Product 1: Injection Molding Grade PP, Melt index: 8-14
Product 2: Copolymer Grade PP, investment refers to 5-15
Payment method: payment by letter of credit after delivery
Demand: 500,000 tons/year for each product
Shipping method: barreled
Urgently Demand 2: Steel
Products: Rail R-50/R-65 for railways and newly manufactured rails
Quality: MTC R65-R50-49E1(S49)
Available sizes: | 1,00m|1,20m |1,5Om |180m| 2,00m |2,80m|
Demand: 300,000 tons/month
For more specific information, please send email to dlhbh@hbhny.cn or call 0411-82556637 (8:30-17:30, Monday to Friday, China time) or 13364119318 (WeChat and mobile number are the same)